Think broadly about the impact of environmental policy challenges.

Integrate knowledge of the three major forces that drive public policy:

  • economics
  • values and beliefsÌý
  • politics


Required Courses

Course Names

Course Code



Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 2010

Ìý4 credits

ECON 2010 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be doubleÌý counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

Environmental Ethics

ENVS 3140

Ìý3 credits

ENVS 3140 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be doubleÌý counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

The Environment and Public Policy

PSCI 3206

Ìý3 credits


Elective Courses (choose one)

Course Names

Course Code



Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 2020

Ìý4 credits

ECON 2020 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be doubleÌý counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

Climate Politics & PolicyÌý

ENVS 3022

Ìý3 credits


Energy Policy & Society

ENVS 3621

Ìý3 credits

ENVS 3621 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be double counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.