Julio Baena Photo

Julio Baena

Professor Emeritus
Spanish and Portuguese
Research Areas Critical theory, theory of poetry, Golden Age Spanish Literature, Miguel de Cervantes, Luis de Góngora, Jorge de Montemayor. Scholarly Books Dividuals: The Split Human and Humanist Split in Early Modern Spanish Literature . New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2020. Quehaceres con Góngora . Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2011. Discordancias cervantinas . Newark, Del.: Juan de la Cuesta, 2003. El círculo y la flecha: principio...
Andres Prieto Photo

Andrés Prieto

Spanish and Portuguese
Research Area Colonial Spanish American Literature Books Diego de Rosales, Manifiesto apologético de los daños de la esclavitud en el reino de Chile . Santiago: Catalonia, 2013. Missionary Scientists. Jesuit Science in Spanish South America, 1570-1810. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 2011. Selected Articles and Book Chapters “La obra naturalista de Diego de Rosales: Un anticipo barroco a la disputa sobre el Nuevo Mundo.” Anales de Literatura Chilena 26 (2016): 85­-98. “Confessing...
Nuria new pic

Núria Silleras-Fernández

Spanish and Portuguese
Research Areas Medieval and Early Modern Iberian literatures and cultures, cultural and intellectual history, gender studies, court culture, queenship, patronage, translation studies, politics, religion, emotions, humanism, Catalan, Iberian, and Mediterranean Studies. Winner of a 2020 Provost’s Faculty Achievement Award from the ֲý Boulder Scholarly Books The Politics of Emotion: Love, Grief, and Madness in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2024) Kayden Book Award ,...