• Earn 6 upper-division credits on Argentine literature, culture and history taught by a CU faculty member and by an internationally renowned Argentine faculty member of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
  • Courses count for Spanish majors, Spanish for the Professions majors, International Affairs and Engineering majors with a concentration in Latin American Studies.
  • Study in a country that forms part of the Mercado Común del Sur (Common Market of the South) (), one of the most important emerging markets together with China and India.
  • Live with a host family and in a region that is only Spanish speaking (this enhances language learning as opposed to apartment or hotel lodging).
  • Tango class, cooking class on traditional Argentine cuisine, museum excursions, walking architectural tours through Rosario and guest lecturers from leading local intellectuals and professors included in program fee.
  • Scholarships are available for this program; check the Financial Aid and Scholarship information below.
  • Earn 3 credits of Arts and Sciences CORE .
  • Missed the interest meeting? For more info click 


  • You will receive CU-Boulder "in residence" credit for courses taken on this program as if you had completed the work on the Boulder campus.
  • You are required to be a full time student while studying abroad (does not apply to summer programs).
  • You may apply credit to your major and college requirements with approval from your academic advisor.
  • You should be aware that some subjects (i.e. cooking, recreation, tourism) are not eligible to count for any credit at CU.

The program's two courses are offered in conjunction with the private university Fundación Gran Rosario. This global seminar consists of two classes. Each course will also comprise class excursions each week and special guest lectures relating to the week's topic:

  1. SPAN 3260 Late 19th and 20th Century Argentine Narrative. This class is designed to ensure that the student acquire a very specific knowledge of late 19th and 20th century Argentine literature, its relationship to historical processes (the rise and fall of the 19th century elite, the rise and fall of the middle-classes, peronism, dictatorship, globalization, etc.) and its relationship to specific social actors (particularly the middle classes and the popular sectors). The course will consider a series of canonical works from several genres (novel, short story, poetry, and essay). Approved for Arts and Science CORE Literature and the Arts.
  2. EQUIV. to SPAN 3220 Argentine History and Culture in the Latin American Context. This class will offer students a comprehensive, comparative panorama of problems, issues, political occurrences, etc., that has shaped Argentine culture and history from the late 19th century to the present.

Credits = 6 credits: SPAN 3260; equivalent to 3 credits of upper division Spanish and Equiv. 3220 "Argentine Culture and History in a Latin American Context" equivalent to 3 credits of upper division Spanish.