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Carbon-Negative Hemp-Lime Composite

This invention is a hemp-lime composite material that stores more carbon dioxide than is emitted during its manufacture.


Hempcrete is a hemp-lime composite material used predominantly in building insulation applications. Hempcrete slowly carbonates over its lifetime. Accelerating the carbonation during manufacturing will lower the embodied carbon of the hempcrete. In addition to carbon reductions, actively removing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing (for example, as a bound carbonate product in hempcrete) it is essential to meet the Paris Climate goals of not exceeding a 1.5C rise in average global temperature.


A combination of low-impact hempcrete formulations and accelerated carbonation during life cycle stages A1-A3 manufacturing guarantees hempcrete formulations with the absolute lowest embodied carbon.

When comparing to other hempcrete materials on the market, the EPDs (i.e., cradle-to-gate LCAs) of these protected formulations would report the lowest cradle-to-gate embodied carbon and prove to customers that the material is, in fact, net-carbon negative.

Stage of Development

Technology Readiness Level (TRL): 4.


  • Lowest embodied carbon
  • Increased efficiency of optimized material formulations
  • Customers eligible for maximum carbon offset and storage revenue through marketplaces (e.g., through Aureus Earth)
  • Increased early-age strength gain with carbonation


  • Wall, floor, and roof thermal insulation
  • Modular panel infill
  • Sound insulation
  • Premanufactured blocks
  • Geofoam substitute

Nicole Forsberg:   nicole.forsberg@colorado.edu

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