°Õ³ó±ðÌýAmerican Music Research Center JournalÌýwas published annually from 1991 through 2019 to shareÌýscholarship on a wide range of topics, including music of the American West; African American music-making during Jim Crow; stories of music, migrationÌýand diaspora; Native American musicÌýand new music. ItÌýisÌýavailable online here,Ìýand physicalÌýcopies are available forÌýpurchase here.ÌýÌý

InÌý2020, the AMRCÌýlaunched aÌýpeer-reviewedÌýpublication, Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal, a new andÌýreimagined journal thatÌýtakesÌýits view of American music broadly, including the diverse soundscapes within the United States as well as the wider Americas, including the Caribbean. Ìý

Most recent call for papers

For details, please visit the publications below.