Note: these policies are currently under review.ÌýÌý

Expedited Review

In Cases of Non-Reappointment

Adjunct and Adjoint Reappointments


  • Every April, a listing of non-tenure track faculty, who will be up for reappointment review the following academic year, will be distributed to each unit via email.Ìý
    • The units will be provided a deadline in which to respond with any discrepancies in the evaluation cycle (e.g., additions and/or deletions).Ìý
  • In compliance with the criteria for reappointment outlined by the Office of Faculty Affairs, which is found on the , each non-tenure track faculty under review will complete and submit a reappointment dossier, per the College of Arts and Sciences_Non-Tenure Track Reappointment Checklist, which is due to the Dean’s Office by November 1st of the final year of appointment.Ìý
    • The unit will submit one complete electronic dossier (PDF) for each non-tenure track faculty member under review.Ìý
    • Each e-dossier should clearly indicate the faculty member’s name and unit.Ìý
    • Units are encouraged to keep a duplicate soft copy.Ìý
    • Please submit all Instructor (Teaching Faculty) Reappointment dossiers via EMAIL toÌý
  • Upon receipt of the reappointment e-dossier, the CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will review the materials for inclusion of all required documentation.Ìý
  • The CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will submit the reappointment e-dossier to the Associate or Divisional Dean for review and recommendation.Ìý
    • If the unit recommendation is negative, the reappointment e-dossier will be reviewed by a 2-person subcommittee of the College Personnel Committee, who will provide a written recommendation to the supervising administrator (Associate Dean or Dean of Division) and the Dean of the College.Ìý
    • The above will be provided to the Associate or Divisional Dean, who will also write a recommendation.Ìý
    • If the supervising administrator’s decision is a non-reappointment, the faculty member will have 30 days to appeal to the Dean of the College ("DoC"), who will seek a review from the A&S Personnel Committee, less any PC members who served on the 2-person subcommittee noted above in the case of a negative unit recommendation. The PC written recommendation will be provided to the DoC and the DoC will consult with the other Deans of Division on the case. ÌýA final decision will be issued by the DoC.
  • The Associate or Divisional Dean will provide recommendation of reappointments to the CAS' Faculty Development Coordinator.Ìý
  • CAS Faculty Development Coordinator hands off approved reappointmetns to CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinators.Ìý
  • The CASÌýFaculty Affairs Coordinator will notify the unit, via email, when the reappointment has been processed. The Faculty Affairs CoordinatorÌý will submit a reappointment worksheet to the unit. The unit will populate the sheet and return it to the CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
  • CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will use the reappointment spreadsheet to mail mergeÌýthe draft offer letter.ÌýÌý
  • The CAS' Faculty Affairs Coordinator will submit the draft offer letter for final review and approval.Ìý
  • Upon receipt of approval, CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will route the reappointment packet for signatures.ÌýÌý
    • °ä°äÌýÌý
      • A&S Budget OfficeÌý
      • HR Service CenterÌý
      • ±«²Ô¾±³ÙÌý
  • If any changes to the offer letter are needed after approval, fill out an addendum form.Ìý

For appointments with greater than or equal to 0.5 FTE teaching:Ìý

  • The CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will submit the draft offer letter to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review and approval.Ìý
  • Once approved by the Office of Faculty Affairs, the CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes offer letter for all signatures with cc: to the following:Ìý
    • Unit Program Coordinator;Ìý
    • Human Resources Service Center (;Ìý
    • College of Arts and Sciences' Budget OfficeÌýÌý
  • Appointment entered in HCM (Human Resources software) by Human Resources Service CenterÌý

For appointments with less than 0.5 FTE teaching:Ìý

  • The College of Arts and Sciences' Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes offer letter for all signatures with cc: to the following:Ìý
    • Unit Program Coordinator;Ìý
    • Human Resources Service Center (;Ìý
    • College of Arts and Sciences' Budget OfficeÌý
  • Appointment entered in HCM by Human Resources Service CenterÌý


Reviewed 30 August 2024