I. To be eligible for an Economics internship:

  • You must be an Economics major or minor.

  • You must complete at least 30 hours of credit before applying.

  • You must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00. If your cumulative GPA is at least 3.0 and your Economics GPA is at least 3.25, you may be eligible for a Bartlett Intership.

  • You must find your own internship. We help you configure your internship so that it is a worthwhile and credit-worthy academic endeavor.

II. To present an acceptable internship proposal:

  • Ensure that your proposal embodies appropriate academic rigor. Internships receive 4000-level elective credit. Elective courses at this level in the Economics Department require either Intermediate Microeconomics (ECON 3070), Intermediate Macroeconomics (ECON 3080) or both as prerequisites. Therefore, internships must require the same level of sophistication. As an example, one model for an acceptable internship would be to conduct an empirical analysis of data generated by or relevant to the internship. In form and content, a project such as this would be similar to, though of less intensity than, a senior thesis. Internships in which work consists primarily of clerical or office duties will ordinarily not provide adequate opportunities for academic enrichment.

  • Ensure that your internship, if unpaid, conforms to .

  • Ensure that the internship work for which you wish to receive credit has not yet begun.

III. To apply for an internship:

  • Confirm that you and your project satisfy the requirements of points I and II above.

  • ±Ê°ù´Ç±¹¾±»å±ðÌýProfessor Zax with a copy of your unofficial transcript to verify your eligibility.

  • Discuss the content of your proposal with Professor Zax.

  • Complete the application and submit it to Professor Zax.

IV. To conduct your internship:

  • Register for either 3 or 6 credits. You and the Department supervisor will jointly determine which is appropriate for you. If you register for 6 credit hours, 3 credit hours will count as 4000-level credit for the Economics major or minor and 3 credit hours will count as general upper division credit. Requests for alternative credit hours (instead of 3 or 6) should be discussed with the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies.

  • Work at least forty (40) hours in your internship for each internship credit hour. This includes time that you spend fulfilling the academic requirements of your internship, such as time spent writing required papers.