STEM Mentoring and Identity

This research is exploring intersections between undergraduate student engagement of mentoring other students and their development of STEM identity (feeling like a 'STEM kind of person'). This includes two threads:

  • Undergraduate students mentoring K-12 students via STEM outreach and education programs
  • Undergraduate students serving as Learning Assistants (LAs) mentoring other undergraduate students

Sabina Schill is conducting this research for her PhD dissertation.



CU Boulder Engineering Excellence Fund (EEF) grant

CU Boulder Chancellor's Graduate Award for Excellence in STEM Education: "Am I an engineer? Exploring identity development of K12 STEM outreach mentors." Fall 2019 / Spring 2020.

CU Boulder SEED Grant: "Building STEM identity among undergraduate student mentors." PI Bielefeldt, co-PI Otero, EDUC.Ìý(July 1, 2020 - Dec. 30, 2021)



Schill, S.A. and A.R. Bielefeldt. 2020. Work in progress: What does it mean to mentor? Conceptions of mentoring in K-12 outreach programs. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.Ìý

Schill, S.A. 2019. Engineering identity and K12 outreach mentors. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). October, 2 pp.Ìý


