Herbst Seminars

The Herbst Program is designed to help engineering students get the most out of their limited opportunity for courses in the humanities and social sciences. Through seminars averaging only 12 students and an interdisciplinary curriculum based on literature, philosophy and the arts, the program encourages mental flexibility, open-mindedness and critical thinking skills that are essential for success in engineering careers in rapidly changing technological and social environments.

The Herbst Program offers courses at all levels of undergraduate study, and one may take a single course or all of the courses we offer. Readings and assignments are selected with the goal of helping students learn to examine their own convictions, to seriously consider the perspectives of others and to engage in a meaningful dialogue. Small group settings create effective communities of learning among students and faculty.

By the end of a Herbst seminar, students will be able to:

Wrestle confidently with questions that have no absolute and unequivocal answers, and appreciate that the process of asking and answering such questions can and should be rigorous

Read sustained, intellectually challenging texts rhetorically to assess how writers make and support claims, sustain arguments and analyses, position themselves in relation to audiences and write their way into complex issues

Weigh alternate evidence and points of view and come to a satisfactory determination of the validity of an argument

Express their own most deeply-held values and explain the origins and importance of these values; question these values in comparison to those embodied in the texts we examine

Present a point of view convincingly—with carefully-chosen supporting evidence—in the process of interacting live with peers

Engage productively and diplomatically in the positive give-and-take of academic debate

Demonstrate clarity of argument and expression in a written essay and a position paper

Demonstrate confidence and facility with the processes of revision of written work Interrogate their world consciously and intentionally

The Herbst seminars are small, lively discussion classes that combine rigor and relevance. These interactive seminars cultivate ethical awareness and impart the communication skills that employers seek. Take either or both in fall, spring or summer terms to fulfill the CEAS writing requirement.

ENES 1010: Humanity in a Technological Age

  • This seminar considers what it means to be human in an increasingly technological age. Designed for engineering students, it also looks at the role of technology designers and creators in shaping the human environment. Individual sections may emphasize different topics. ֲý focus on sharpening their written and oral communication skills through a series of iterative assignments and projects. Fulfills College of Engineering writing requirement for first-year students only.

ENES 3100: Ethical Awareness for Engineers

  • This seminar introduces engineering students to a variety of essential texts and works drawn from literature, history, philosophy, and the arts. Through class discussions and a variety of writing assignments, students reflect on their personal values, goals, commitments, and responsibilities, and how these align with the ethical challenges of engineering. Fulfills the College of Engineering and Applied Science writing requirement.

Other Herbst Courses

We link STEM and H&SS in a variety of interactive lecture courses. Additional special topics courses often consider one author or one topic, with subjects as rich and varied as the Greek tradition, fantasy novels or the history of medicine. These courses are taught on a rotating basis.

ENES 1850: Engineering in History: The Social Impact of Technology

  • Explores how engineering has shaped who we are, how we think, and what we think about, by examining preconceived notions of progress, property, time, and work. Textbook readings plus original sources in philosophy, literature, psychology, and economics provide a rich and stimulating tour of engineering history.

ENES 2210: Modern Science and the Technological Society

  • How and when did science and engineering start steering public policy and shaping culture? Are they doing it well?

ENES 2360 and 3360: Gaining A Global State of Mind for Effective Engineering Practice

  • Engineering students will be entering a global profession; this course helps to prepare them for that future.

ENES 3350: Gods, Heroes & Engineers

  • Ancient Greece shaped our concepts of philosophy and mathematics; it has inspired us with literary characters and engineering projects alike.

ENES 3430: Ethics of Genetic Engineering

  • We can do it, but should we? This course sifts through popular and scientific accounts to understand contemporary issues in this amazing field.

ENES 2843 and 3843: Special Topics

  • for current offerings.

All Herbst classes count toward theHumanities and Social Sciences requirementsin the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Note that all courses, with the exception of Global Seminars, are open only to students in the College of Engineering & Applied Science.

title="Fall 2024" style="regular"

Fall 2024courses can be found on the course catalog at

Course Section Name Day Time Instructor Location
1010 001 Humanity in a Tech Age: Antarctic Culture & Science MWF 9:05-9:55 Grunes LESS 1B01
1010 002 Humanity in a Tech Age: Technology & the Human Quest MWF 10:10-11:00 Fredricksmeyer ECCR 1B06
1010 003 Humanity in a Tech Age: Antarctic Culture & Science MWF 10:10-11:00 Grunes LESS 1B01
1010 004 Humanity in a Tech Age: Antarctic Culture & Science MWF 12:20-1:10 Grunes LESS 1B01
ENES 1010 005 Humanity in a Tech Age: Origins of Modern Science MWF 1:25-2:15 Byrne LESS 1B01
1010 006 Humanity in a Tech Age: Origins of Modern Science MWF 2:30-3:20 Byrne LESS 1B01
1010 007 Humanity in a Tech Age: Enlightened Engineers TTh 9:30-10:45 de Alwis LESS 1B01
ENES 1010 008 Humanity in a Tech Age: Enlightened Engineers TTh 11:00-12:15 de Alwis LESS 1B01
1010 009 Humanity in a Tech Age: Living Well as Engineers TTh 11:00-12:15 Turner ECCR 1B06
1010 010 Humanity in a Tech Age: Living Well as Engineers TTh 12:30-1:45 Turner ECCR 1B06
ENES 1010 011 Humanity in a Tech Age: Kids in the Early Space Age TTh 12:30-1:45 Sylvester LESS 1B01
1010 800 Humanity in a Tech Age - For International ֲý MWF 11:15-12:05 Ambler LESS 1B01
3100 001 Ethical Awareness for Engineers MWF 9:05-9:55 Ambler ECCR 1B06
3100 002 Ethical Awareness for Engineers MWF 11:15-12:05 Fredricksmeyer ECCR 1B06
3100 003 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 9:30-10:45 Lange ECCR 1B06
3100 004 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 9:30-10:45 Kowalchuk GOLD A350
3100 005 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 11:00-12:15 Kowalchuk GOLD A350
ENES 3100 006 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 2:00-3:15 Brea ECCR 1B06
ENES 3843 001 Special Topics: Fueling History: Oil to Atoms TTh 12:30-1:45 Stanford-McIntyre KCEN S161

Spring 2025 courses can be found on the course catalog at

Course Section Name Day Time Instructor Location
1010 001 Humanity in a Tech Age: The Origins of Modern Science MWF 9:05-9:55 Byrne ECCR 1B06
1010 002 Humanity in a Tech Age: Technology & the Human Quest MWF 10:10-11:00 Fredricksmeyer ECCR 1B06
1010 003 Humanity in a Tech Age: Technology & the Human Quest MWF 11:15-12:05 Fredricksmeyer ECCR 1B06
1010 004 Humanity in a Tech Age: The Origins of Modern Science MWF 11:15-12:05 Byrne LESS 1B01
ENES 1010 005 Humanity in a Tech Age: TBA MWF 12:20-1:10 TBA LESS 1B01
1010 006 Humanity in a Tech Age: TBA MWF 1:25-2:15 TBA LESS 1B01
1010 007 Humanity in a Tech Age: Final Frontiers TTh 9:30-10:45 Stanford-McIntyre TBA
ENES 1010 008 Humanity in a Tech Age: Enlightened Engineers TTh 9:30-10:45 de Alwis LESS 1B01
1010 009 Humanity in a Tech Age: Enlightened Engineers TTh 11:00-12:15 de Alwis LESS 1B01
1010 010 Humanity in a Tech Age: Disaster Culture TTh 11:00-12:15 Stanford-McIntyre ECCR 1B06
ENES 1010 011 Humanity in a Tech Age: Living Well as Engineers TTh 12:30-1:45 Turner TBA
ENES 1010 012 Humanity in a Tech Age: Kids in the Early Space Age TTh 12:30-1:45 Sylvester LESS 1B01
1010 800 Humanity in a Tech Age - For International ֲý MWF 9:05-9:55 Ambler LESS 1B01

ENES 1850

ENES 3843



Engineering in History: The Social Impact of Technology MWF 2:30-3:20 Byrne TBA

ENES 2360

ENES 3360



A Global State of Mind for Effective Engineering Practice TTh 2:00-3:15 Lange TBA
3100 001 Ethical Awareness for Engineers MWF 10:10-11:00 Ambler LESS 1B01
3100 002 Ethical Awareness for Engineers MWF 1:25-2:15 Fredricksmeyer ECCR 1B06
3100 003 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 9:30-10:45 Lange ECCR 1B06
3100 004 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 12:30-1:45 Ambler ECCR 1B06
3100 005 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 2:00-3:15 de Alwis LESS 1B01
ENES 3100 006 Ethical Awareness for Engineers TTh 2:00-3:15 Brea ECCR 1B06
ENES 3430 001 Ethics of Genetic Engineering TTh 12:30-1:45 Wilkerson TBA
ENES 3843 002 Special Topics: Future Ethics in Technology TTh 3:30-4:45 Sieber TBA
ENES 3843 003 Special Topics: AI-Human-Cyborg TTh 5:00-6:15 Sieber TBA

For full course descriptions, see the.

  • 1010.Humanity in a Tech Age (see topic descriptions below)
  • ENES1843.Special Topics
  • ENES1850.Engineering in History: The Social Impact of Technology
  • ENES2010.Tradition and Identity
  • ENES2020.The Meaning of Information Technology
  • ENES2100.History of Science and Technology to Newton
  • ENES2120.History of Modern Science from Newton to Einstein
  • ENES2130.History of Modern Technology from 1750 to the Atomic Bomb
  • ENES2210.Modern Science and TechnologicalSociety
  • ENES2360.A Global State of Mind for Effective Engineering Practice
  • ENES2843.Special Topics (see current topic descriptions below)
  • 3100.Ethical Awareness for Engineers
  • ENES3280. Science and Religion
  • ENES3350. Gods, Heroes, and Engineers
  • ENES3430. Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • ENES3700.Global Seminar -Culture Wars in Rome
  • ENES 3720. Global Seminar - Voices of Vienna
  • ENES3750.Global Seminar -Xi'an, China: Self-Awareness and Images of the Other
  • ENES3840.Independent Study
  • ENES3843.Special Topics (see current topic descriptions below)
  • ENES4830.Special Topics (see current topic description below)

1010 Topic Descriptions:

  • Technology and the Human Quest.70,000 years ago, Homo sapiens had no more impact on the environment than did jellyfish. By 1945 we became the most dominant species on earth, capable of destroying ourselves and all other life on the planet. In little more than the first half of the 20th century, we progressed from horse and buggy to landing on the moon. In the years that followed, we developed computing and information technologies whose exponential growth led to even faster change. By the end of the 21st century, according to the theory of transhumanism, a segment of humanity will bioengineer itself into a fundamentally different species. Now more than ever, it is imperative to ask: What does it mean to be human in an increasingly technological age? Designed specifically for engineers, this course considers this question from multiple angles, as it juxtaposes ancient and modern thinking at the intersection of engineering, ethics, and society.
  • Living Well as Engineers.Over the past century, remarkable innovationsin the fields ofEngineering, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science have led to the creation of nuclear weapons, social media, and artificial intelligence. However, these disciplines, by their own definitions, do not address the ethical considerations of their use. This course, designed for engineering and applied science students, uses great works of literature, philosophy, music, and fine art to introduce undergraduates to fundamental questions about living well. These explorations take place through seminar discussions and regular practice in rhetorical writing.
  • Designing the Renaissance. This course is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the intellectual dynamics of the Northern European and Italian Renaissance, a time when intellectuals valued the power of reason, when mathematical perspective was invented, artistic techniques became more sophisticated, and immense cathedrals were dominating the skylines of cities. Learn about Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and other great artists, architects, and engineers. Study the artworks of Hieronymus Bosch, Botticelli, Caravaggio, and Gentileschi. Dive into the depth of the human soul by reading Dante and Machiavelli.
  • Kids in the Early Space Age. This course covers the period from the launching of Sputnik through the first Apollo moon landing. It will focus on how children and teenagers in America understood and responded to the advent of human space flight, what influences shaped their attitudes towards space travel and exploration, and how the dawning of the space age impacted their own senses of self and life possibilities. Key identity factors (gender, social class, religion, race, ethnicity) will be considered, as will the broader political, social, economic, and cultural dynamics that marked the early space age as an era of change and possibility.
  • For All Mankind.This course considers issues of humanity and technology as they relate to human space flight, space exploration, and uses of space. Drawing on historical case-studies and current debates, students will examine the motives and values that compel technology designers and creators to reach beyond planet Earth. We will explore ethical issues that have surrounded space travel historically as well as those that are most pressing in our own moment when plans are afoot to return humans to the Moon and undertake missions to Mars.
  • Antarctic Culture and Science. This course will introduce students to 250 years of historical, literary, and scientific exploration of the Antarctic region. Through historical and fictional readings from James Cook, Robert Scott, Ernest Shackleton, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Ursula K. Le Guin, and others, we will examine themes of nation-building, cultural myth-making, leadership models, and the opportunities and limitations of post-Enlightenment scientific empiricism. The final portion of the course will focus on current scientific questions and engineering challenges in the Antarctic.
  • Final Frontiers. This course explores understanding of the frontier in film, thought, and culture. Topics include westward expansion, the western genre, the space race, and digital frontiers.
  • Disaster Culture.In this class we will interrogate the role ofrisk and disaster in society.Risk assessment is an often unnoticed part of our daily lives;however, our collective imaginings of disaster are often apocalyptic in scale. Why is this? To answer this question we will examine different kinds of risks including environmental, economic, and public health, and we will assess how individuals and communities assess risks and anticipate disasters through policy,infrastructures, and in popular culture.
  • Enlightened Engineers. In this course we examine principles of enlightenment from various historical, personal, sociological, psychological and cultural perspectives. We consider the tensions between abiding by rules and standing up for principles as well as the exclusion of many within ostensibly virtuous societal frameworks through works of literature, philosophy, art and music. We study aesthetic concepts from different cultures and their ethical implications. Questioning aspects of the legacies students inherit and the paths they are expected to follow both personally and in their careers can guide engineers toward actively participating in their development as human beings as well as in the creation of a more inclusive, equitable, and beautiful world.
  • Origins of Modern Science. Science is a defining aspect of the modern world, offering both unprecedented power over the natural world and persuasive frameworks for understanding it. In this seminar, we investigate the origins of modern scientific practices and ways of thinking by examining canonical elites such as Newton and Darwin, everyday people such as artisans and homemakers, and marginalized practitioners such as enslaved West African healers. Through the lens of both primary historical sources and modern scholarship, we ask questions such as who produces science, what makes science distinct from other ways of knowing, what is the relationship between science and technology, and how does science both emerge from and influence its social and cultural contexts.
  • For International ֲý. Sections 800 and 801 are designed for students who are English Language Learners. To be eligible for these sections, you must be a non-native speaker of English who wants to devote extra attention to your English skills. Reading assignments will be discussed in each class meeting, and writing assignments are due every week. ֲý are required to meet with the instructor outside of class every week and to attend occasional workshops. If you are eligible for this course and wish to enroll, please email herbst@colorado.edu for special permission.

HUEN3843 Topic Descriptions:

  • Humanities & Medicine. Co-taught by Herbst Professor Scot Douglass and Dr. Mark Kissler (CU Medical School faculty/University Hospital Physician), the course “Humanities & Medicine” explores the the stories we tell about disease and healing, the story that scientific clinical medicine tells about itself, and the practice of medicine.It brings together Mark’s clinical experience with compelling narratives and theoretical frameworks to engage the rich topic of the role story plays in health, medicine, life and death. For those considering a career in the health sciences, this course would provide a deeper and unique texture to your future school applications and professional experiences.This ENES 3843 coursewill be taught in Maymester 2021 as a livesynchronoushybrid course—in-person (section 001) and simultaneously remote (section 002). Itis worth 3 upper division H&SS creditsand open to all students.If you want to take the course and havefewer than 57 credit hours, contact herbst@colorado.edu to be enrolled manually. For more information, contactscot.douglass@colorado.edu.
  • Harry Potter and the Conflict of Being. Addressing the idea of conflict from a wide variety of perspectives: personal identity, class, race, morality, education, age, ambition, leadership and friendship, this course will explore how these themes are worked out both within this extended coming of age narrative and against the classical background that J.K. Rowling so freely appropriates. Through a close reading of the texts, themselves, we will map out their philosophical/existential significance and how this is related to their popularity.
  • Science & Religion. This course asks the difficult questions that most people are afraid to talk about. An open mind is your only requirement. We'll read great works in philosophy and theology to see how others have addressed these questions, and we'll use those as a springboard for our own discussions.
  • History of Modern Science from Newton to Einstein. Surveys the great discoveries and theoretical disputes from Newtonian celestial mechanics to the theory of relativity. Includes physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, and biology; closely examines scientific method, evolution, light, and quantum theory. Uses original sources by Newton, Faraday, Lavoisier, Darwin, etc., for immediate contact with the great minds in science.
  • Modern Science& Technological Society. Explores challenges that engineering and science pose for society plus the ways that societies shape or impede science and engineering. Case studies range from contemporary issues (global warming, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering) to classic cases (the execution of Socrates). Core texts in the Western Tradition supplementcontemporary articles and films.
  • Fueling History: Oil to Atoms. Human energy use is at an all-time high, and many scientists give dire warnings about the future. How did we get to this point? This class answers that question bytracking human energy use around the world and across time. Major themes will include the links between the fossil fuel era and Euro-colonial empires, oil and war in the Middle East, renewable energy options, and the climate change dilemma
  • Future Ethics in Technology: Global Science Fiction and Emerging Technologies. This seminar examines the moral and societal implications of current and emerging technologies such as AI, immersive VR, genetic engineering and geoengineering, and offers undergraduate students an enriching perspective on the future that you are engineering. We will draw from both philosophical/ethical texts and speculative science fiction texts and films; many of these materials are penned by professionals from the fields of science and engineering and offer a grounded, practical viewpoint on technology. Spanning diverse regions including North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, these narratives present a global perspective on the varied ethical stances and solutions conceived by minds across geographical and cultural boundaries. Future Ethics in Technology is a journey into the future, a roadmap for ethical navigation in a technology-driven world, and a primer on global scifi narratives about emerging technologies.
  • AI.Human.Cyborg: Co-Intelligence in the Age of AI. With particular attention to the future of work, this course considers the shifting boundaries between the domains of personhood and of machinehood, and the many levels of collaboration, co-intelligence, centaur-ism and cyborg-ism that blur our traditional categories and distinctions. Among the developments that we will interrogate: a reality increasingly determined by AI algorithms, a reality enriched by AI assistants and companions, a reality in which our co-workers are as likely to be software or hardware and they are to be human, in which AI researchers are making profound discoveries, in which AI artists are creating aesthetic artifacts, and in which major IT companies and nations are competing to be first in achieving Artificial General Intelligence.