Spencer Dudley
Spencer Dudley
Former Graduate Student • Combined PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science • School of Education
James Foster
James Foster
Former Graduate Student • Triple PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology & Neuroscience
Chris Hill
Christian (Chris) Hill
Former Graduate Student Research Assistant
Eisenberg Lab • ATLAS
Leighanna Hinojosa
Leighanna Hinojosa
Former Graduate Student - PhD Combined
School of Education
Shirley Huang
Shirley Huang
Triple PhD
Layne Hubbard
Layne Hubbard
Triple PhD, Graduate Student
Computer Science
Shaw Ketels
Shaw Ketels
Combined PhD • Former Graduate Student
Institute of Cognitive Science • Psychology and Neuroscience
Tao Lin
Tao Lin
Combined PhD • Former Graduate Student
Institute of Cognitive Science • Linguistics
Sarah-Ruth Moeller
Sarah-Ruth Moeller
Former Graduate Student
Hyunjoo Oh
Hyunjoo Oh
Former Graduate Student
ATLAS Institute
David Quigley
David Quigley
*Research Associate
Institute of Cognitive Science • Computer Science
Ali Raza
Ali Raza
Research Scientist Level 1 • Sumner Lab • ICS Combined PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science
Harry Smolker
Harry Smolker
Former Graduate Student
Psychology and Neuroscience • Banich Lab
Angela Stewart
Angela Stewart
Former Graduate Student
Computer Science
Kevin Stowe
Kevin Stowe
Combined PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science • Linguistics
Abhijit Suresh
Abhijit Suresh
Neuroscience Combined Triple PhD • GRA Sumner Lab
Computer Science
Lisa Thomas-Smith
Lisa Thomas-Smith
Former Graduate Student
Jason Zietz
Jason Zietz
Combined PhD • Former Graduate Student
Institute of Cognitive Science • Computer Science