Katie Bainbridge
Kaitlin Bainbridge
Former Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • D'Mello Lab
Carolyn Buck-Gengler
Carolyn Buck-Gengler
Former Senior Research Associate
Psychology and Neuroscience • Healy/Bourne Lab
David Caha
David Caha
Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • Banich Lab
Candace Cyrus
Candace Cyrus
Institute of Cognitive Science • NSF National AI Institute for Student-AI Teaming
Audrey Davis
Audrey Davis
Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • CU Change Lab
Jamie Noll
Jamie Deutch Noll
Former Professional Research Assistant Level 3 • Curriculum Developer
ICS • inquiryHub-OpenSciEd Biology Team
Diego Escobar-Garcia
Diego Escobar-Garcia
Former Graduate Student Research Assistant
Penuel Lab • School of Education
Alyssa Fassett-Carman
Alyssa (Aly) Fassett-Carman
Former Research Scientist Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • Kaiser Lab
Aaron Fontenot
Aaron Fontenot
Former Professional Research Assistant Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • Bidwell Lab/CUChange
Megan Gestos
Meghan (Meg) Gestos
Former Project Manager
CU Reach • CU Change Lab
Rebecca Helmuth
Rebecca Helmuth
Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • Banich Lab
Colin Elliott
Colin Hennessey Elliott
Former Research Scientist Level 1
SchoolWide Labs
Leah Hitchcock
Leah Hitchcock
Research Associate
Institute of Cognitive Science • CU Change Lab
Photo of Kaley Keefe
Kaley Keefe
Former Professional Research Assistant Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • Kaiser Lab • RADD lab
Amelia Kelly
Amelia Kelly
Former Visiting Scholar • VP of Speech Technology, SoapBox Labs • Fulbright TechImpact Scholar 2020/2021
Institute of Cognitive Science
Eileen Kintsch
Eileen Kintsch
Former Research Associate
Institute of Cognitive Science • Caccamise/Kintsch Lab
Phillip Kragel
Philip Kragel
Former Research Associate • Former Post-Doc
Institute of Cognitive Science • Wager Lab
Kai Krueger
Kai Krueger
Former Research Associate
Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium
Joseph Licata
Joseph Licata
Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science
William Lindsay
William Lindsay
Former Research Associate
inquiryHub • Penuel Lab
Jerry Ma
WenHao (Jerry) Ma
Former Professional Research Assistant Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • CU Change Lab
Photo of Moriah Major
Moriah Major
Professional Research Assistant Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • Banich Lab
Lisa Miracchi
Lisa Miracchi
Former Visiting Scholar, CU Boulder Department of Philosophy • Associate Professor of Philosophy • (she, her, hers)
University of Pennsylvania
Hadassah Muthoka
Hadassah Muthoka
Former Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • D'Mello Lab
Alex Napolitan
Alexander Napolitan
Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • PRISM/OASIS Lab • CU Change Lab
Image of William Raymond
William D. Raymond
Former Research Associate
Institute of Cognitive Science • Healy/Bourne Lab
Image of Vivian Schneider
Vivian Schneider
Former Research Associate
Institute of Cognitive Science • Healy/Bourne Lab
Naomi Sellers
Naomi Sellers
Former Professional Research Assistant
Institute of Cognitive Science • Kim Lab
Mark Strom
Mark G. Strom
ICS Visiting Scholar
Institute of Cognitive Science
Chloe Tucker
Chloe Tucker
Former Professional Research Assistant Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • Kim Lab
Katie Van Horne
Katie Van Horne
Assistant Research Professor
Institute of Cognitive Science • School of Education
Photo of Guojung Zhou
Guojing Zhou
Former Research Scientist Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • D'Mello Lab
Katerina Zorina
Katerina Zorina
Former Research Scientist Level 1
Institute of Cognitive Science • CAN Lab