The following are some representative publications in recent years by CEQM members (in alphabetical order).Ìý

Gang Cao Group:Ìý

  • ,ÌýHengdi Zhao, Yu Zhang, Pedro Schlottmann, Rahul Nandkishore and Gang Cao,ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett.Ìý132, 226503 (2024);ÌýEditors’ Suggestion.Ìý
  • ,ÌýYu Zhang, Yifei Ni, Pedro Schlottmann, Rahul Nandkishore, Lance E. DeLong, and Gang Cao,ÌýNature CommunicationsÌý15, 3579 (2024).ÌýÌý ÌýÌýÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýÌý

  • ,ÌýTyler Carbin, Xinshu Zhang, Adrian B. Culver, Hengdi Zhao, Alfred Zong, Rishi Acharya, Cecilia J. Abbamonte, Rahul Roy, Gang Cao, and Anshul Kogar,ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett.Ìý130, 186902 (2023)

  • , Honglie Ning, Omar Mehio, Xinwei Li, Michael Buchhold, Mathias Driesse, Hengdi Zhao, Gang CaoÌýÌýand David Hsieh,ÌýNature CommunicationsÌý14,8258Ìý(2023)
  • ,ÌýYu Zhang, Yifei Ni, Hengdi Zhao, Sami Hakani, Feng Ye, Lance DeLong, Itamar KimchiÌýand Gang Cao,ÌýNatureÌý611,Ìý467–472 (2022)

  • , Y. Shen, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, A. Weichselbaum, W. Yin, H. Zhao, D. G. Mazzone, H. Miao, M. H. Upton, D. Casa, R. S. Acevedo-Esteves, C. Nelson, A. M. Barbour, C. Mazzoli, G. Cao, and M. P. M. Dean,ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett.129, 207201Ìý(2022);ÌýDOI:Ìý10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.207201
  • Book:Ìý, Gang Cao and Lance E. De Long,ÌýOxford University Press;ÌýOxford, 2021;ÌýISBN 978-0-19-960202-5

  • Flexible lattice in Ca3Ru2O7: Control of the electrical transport via anisotropic magnetostriction, Hengdi Zhao, Hao Zheng, Jasminka Terzic, Wenhai Song, Yifei Ni, Yu Zhang, Pedro Schlottmann and Gang Cao,ÌýPhys. Rev. B ÌýLettersÌý104, L121119 (2021)

  • Colossal magnetoresistance via avoiding fully polarized magnetization in ferrimagnetic insulatorÌýMn3Si2Te6,ÌýYifei Ni, Hengdi Zhao, Yu Zhang, Bing Hu, Itamar Kimchi and Gang Cao,ÌýPhys. Rev. B LettersÌý103,ÌýL161105 (2021)

  • Quest for quantum states via field-altering technology,ÌýGang Cao, Hengdi Zhao, Bing Hu, Nicholas Pellatz, Dmitry Reznik, Pedro SchlottmannÌýand Itamar Kimchi,Ìýnpj Quantum MaterialsÌý5, 83 (2020)

  • Quantum liquid from strange frustration in the trimer magnet Ba4Ir3O10, G. Cao, H. D. Zhao, H. Zheng, Y. F. Ni, Christopher. A. Pocs, Y. Zhang, Feng, Ye, Christina Hoffmann, Xiaoping Wang, Minhyea Lee, Michael Hermele and Itamar Kimchi,Ìýnpj Quantum MaterialsÌý5, 26 (2020)

  • A Key Issues Review:ÌýThe Challenge of Spin-Orbit-Tuned Ground States in Iridates: A Key Issues Review, Gang Cao and Pedro Schlottmann,ÌýReports on Progress in PhysicsÌý81Ìý042502Ìý(2018)

  • Electrical control of structural and physical properties via spin-orbit interactions in Sr2IrO4, G. Cao, J. Terzic, H. D. Zhao, H. Zheng, L. E DeLong and Peter Riseborough,ÌýPhys. Rev. Lett.Ìý120,Ìý017201 (2018)

Longji Cui Group:

  •  Molecular perspective and engineering of thermal transport and thermoelectricity in polymers, S. Yelishala, C. Murphy, L. Cui, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024.Ìý

  • Molecular scale nanophotonics: hot carriers, strong coupling, and electrically driven plasmonic processes, Y. Zhu, M. B. Raschke, D. Natelson, L. Cui, Nanophotonics, 2024.Ìý

  • Modelling and performance analysis of a novel thermophotovoltaic system with enhanced radiative heat transfer for combined heat and power generation, M. Habibi and L. Cui, Applied Energy 343, 121221 (2023)

  • Tuning light emission crossovers in atomic-scale aluminum plasmonic tunnel junctions,ÌýY. Zhu, L. Cui, M, Abbasi, D. Natelson,ÌýNano Letters 22, 8068–8075 (2022).
  • Near-field radiative heat transfer modulated by nontrivial topological surface states,ÌýH. Wu, X. Liu, Y. Cai, L. Cui, Y. Huang,ÌýMaterials Today Physics 27, 10825 (2022).
  • Thousand-fold Increase in Plasmonic Light Emission via Combined Electronic and Optical Excitations,ÌýL. Cui, Y. Zhu, P. Nordlander, M. Di Ventra, D. Natelson,ÌýNano Letters 21(6), 2658–1665 (2021).Ìý
  • Electrically driven hot carrier generation and above-threshold light emission in plasmonic tunnel junctions,ÌýL. Cui, Y. Zhu, M. Abbasi, A. Ahmadivand, B. Gerislioglu, P. Nordlander, D. Natelson,ÌýNano Letters 20(8), 6067–6075 (2020).Ìý
  • Active magneto-optical control of near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene sheets,ÌýH. Wu, Y. Huang, L. Cui, K. Zhu,ÌýPhysical Review Applied 11(05), 054020 (2019).
  • Thermal conductance of single-molecule junctions,ÌýL. Cui, S. Hur, Z. A. Akbar, J. C. Klöckner, W. Jeong, F. Pauly, S.-Y. Jang, P. Reddy, E. Meyhofer,ÌýNature 572, 628-633 (2019).
  • Peltier cooling in molecular junctions,ÌýL. Cui, R. Miao, K. Wang, D. Thompson, L. A. Zotti, J. C. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy,ÌýNature Nanotechnology 13, 122-127 (2018).
  • Quantized thermal transport in single atom junctions,ÌýL. Cui, W. Jeong, S. Hur, M. Matt, J. C. Klöckner, F. Pauly, P. Nielaba, J.ÌýC. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy,ÌýScience 355, 1192 (2017).
  • Study of radiative heat transfer at Ã…ngström and nanometer scale gaps,ÌýL. Cui, W. Jeong, V. Fernández-Hurtado, J. Feist, F. J. García-Vidal, J. C. Cuevas, E. Meyhofer, P. Reddy,ÌýNature Communications 8, 14479 (2017).

Daniel Dessau Group:

  • Electronic structure and correlations in planar trilayer nickelate Pr4Ni3O8,ÌýÌýHaoxiang Li, Peipei Hao, Junjie Zhang, Kyle Gordon, A. Garrison Linn, Xinglong Chen, Hong Zheng, Xiaoqing Zhou, J.F. Mitchell, D. S. Dessau,ÌýScience Advances (in press, 2022)ÌýÌýÌý
  • Universal Non-Polar Switching in Carbon-Doped Transition Metal Oxides (TMOs) and Post TMOs,ÌýC.A. Paz de Araujo, Jolanta Celinska, Chris R. McWilliams Lucian Shifren, Greg Yeric, X.M. Henry Huang, Saurabh Vinayak Suryavanshi, Glen Rosendale, Valeri Afanas'ev, Eduardo C. Marino, Dushyant Madhav Narayan, Daniel S Dessau,ÌýAPL Materials 10, 040904 (2022)Ìý
  • A Unified Form of Low-Energy Nodal Electronic Interactions in Hole Doped Cuprate Superconductors,ÌýT.J. Reber, J.A. Waugh, N.C. Plumb, S. Parham, Y. Cao, Z. Sun, Q. Wang, J.S. Wen, Z.J. Xu, G. Gu, Y. Yoshida, H. Eisaki, Y. Aiura, G.B. Arnold, D. S. Dessau,ÌýÌýNature Communications 10, 5737 (2019)ÌýÌý
  • Spectroscopic evidence of low-energy gaps persisting up to 120 K in surface-doped p-terphenyl crystals,ÌýHaoxiang Li, Xiaoqing Zhou, Stephen Parham, Thomas Nummy, Justin Griffith, Kyle Gordon, Eric L. Chronister, Daniel. S. Dessau,ÌýÌýPhys. Rev. B 100, 064511 (2019)
  • Coherent organization of electronic correlations as a mechanism to enhance and stabilize high temperature cuprate superconductivity,ÌýHaoxiang Li, Xiaoqing Zhou, Stephen Parham, Theodore J. Reber, Helmuth Berger, Gerald Arnold, Daniel S. Desssau, Nature Communications 9, 26 (2018)Ìý
  • Ultrafast Gap Dynamics and Electronic Interactions in a Photoexcited Cuprate Superconductor,ÌýS. Parham,ÌýH. Li,ÌýT.J. Nummy,ÌýJ.A. Waugh,ÌýX.Q. Zhou,ÌýJ. Griffith,ÌýJ. Schneeloch,ÌýR.D. Zhong,ÌýG. D. Gu,Ìýand D.S. Dessau,Ìý Physical Review XÌý7, 041013 (2017)Ìý
  • Hallmarks of the Mott-Metal Crossover in the Hole Doped J=1/2 Mott insulator Sr2IrO4,ÌýYue Cao, Qiang Wang, Justin A. Waugh, Theodore J. Reber, Haoxiang Li, Xiaoqing Zhou, Stephen Parham, Nicholas C. Plumb, Eli Rotenberg, Aaron Bostwick, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Tongfei Qi, Michael A. Hermele, Gang Cao, Daniel S. Dessau,ÌýNature Communications 7,11367 (2016)Ìý
  • Laser Based Angle-Resolved Photoemission, the Sudden Approximation, and Quasiparticle-Like Spectral Peaks inÌýBi2Sr2CaCu2O8,ÌýJacob D.ÌýKoralek, John F. Douglas, Nicholas C. Plumb, Zhe Sun, Alexei Fedorov, Margaret Murnane, Henry Kapteyn, Stephen Cundiff, Yoshihiro Aiura, Kazu Oka, Hiroshi Eisaki, Daniel S. Dessau,ÌýPhys. Rev. Letters 96, 017005 (2006) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.01700

Minhyea Lee Group:Ìý

  • Extracting quantum magnetic model parameters in a triangular rare-earth magnet: systematic characterization of crystal electric field effects from magnetic susceptibility and resonant torsion magnetometry,ÌýC. A. Pocs, P.E. Siegfried, J. Xie, A. S. Sefat, M. Hermele, B. Normand andÌýMinhyeaÌýLee,ÌýPhys.Rev. ResearchÌý3, 043202 (2021)Ìý
  • Thermoelectric properties of the stripe-charge ordering phases in IrTe2,ÌýJ. S. You, M. J. Eom,ÌýMinhyeaÌýLee, Y. J. Jo, C. J. Won, S.-W Cheong, Kyoo Kim and Jun Sung Kim,Phys. Rev. BÌý103, 045102 (2021)Ìý
  • Giant thermal magnetoconductivity in CrCl3 and a general model for spin-phonon scattering,ÌýC. A. Pocs, I. A. Leahy, H. Zheng, Gang Cao, Eun-Sang Choi, S.-H. Do, Kwang-Young Choi, B. Normand andÌýMinhyeaÌýLee,ÌýPhys. Rev. ResearchÌý2, 013059Ìý(2020).Ìý
  • Spinon excitations in the quasi-1D S=1/2 Chain Cs4CuSb2Cl12,ÌýT. T. Tran, C. A. Pocs, Y. Zhang, M. J. Winiarski, J. Sun,ÌýMinhyeaÌýLeeÌýand T. M. McQueen,ÌýPhys. Rev. BÌý101, 235107 (2020).Ìý
  • Non-saturating large magnetoresistance in semimetals,ÌýI. A. Leahy, Yu-Ping Lin, P. E. Siegfried, A. C. Treglia, J. C. W. Song, R. M. Nandkishore andÌýMinhyeaÌýLee, ,ÌýProc. Nat. Acad. Sci.Ìý115,Ìý10570 (2018)

Markus Raschke Group:

  • ,ÌýW. Luo, R. Song, B.G. Whetten, D. Huang, X. Cheng, A. Belyanin, T. Jiang, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýSmallÌý(in press).

  • , R.L. Puro, T.P. Gray, T.A. Kapfunde, G.B. Richter-Addo, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýNano Lett.Ìý24, 1909 (2024).

  • , W. Luo, B.G. Whetten, V. Kravtsov, A. Singh, Y. Yang, D. Huang, X. Cheng, T. Jiang, A. Belyanin, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýNano Lett.Ìý23, 1767 (2023)

  • ,ÌýZ. Zhou, R. Song, J. Xu, X. Ni, Z. dang, Z. Zhang, J. Quan, S. Dong, W. Hu, D. Huang, K. Chen, Z. Wang, X. Cheng, M.B. Raschke, A. Alù, and T. Jiang,ÌýNano Lett.Ìý23, 11252 (2023)
  • , K. Hasz, Z. Hu, K.-D. Park, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýNano Lett.Ìý23, 1767 (2023).
  • , J. Nishida, P.T.S. Chang, J. Ye, P. Sharma, D.M. Wharton, S.C. Johnson, R. Wilcken, S.E. Shaheen, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýNature Commun.Ìý13, 6582 (2022).
  • , A. C. Gadelha, R. Nadas, T.C. Barbosa, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L.C. Campos, M.B. Raschke, and A. Jorio,Ìý2D Mater.Ìý9, 045028 (2022).
  • Ultrafast infrared nano-imaging of far-from-equilibrium carrier and vibrational dynamics, J. Nishida, S.C. Johnson, P.T.S. Chang, D.M. Wharton, S.A. Dönges, O. Khatib, and M.B. Raschke,ÌýNature Commun.Ìý13, 1083 (2022)
  • , P. Behera, M.A. May, …M.B. Raschke, and R. Ramesh,ÌýScience AdvancesÌý8, eabj8030 (2022).
  • Vibrational exciton nanoimaging of phases and domains in porphyrin nanocrystals,ÌýE. A. Muller, T. P. Gray, Z. Zhou, X. Cheng, O. Khatib, H. A. Bechtel, and M. B. Raschke,ÌýPNASÌý117, 7030 (2020).ÌýÌýÌý
  • Ultrafast coherent nonlinear nano-optics and nano-imaging of graphene,ÌýT. Jiang, V. Kravstov, M. Tokman, A. Belyanin, and M. B. Raschke,ÌýNature NanotechnologyÌý14, 838 (2019).Ìý
  • Tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy and control of single quantum emitter,ÌýK-.D. Park, M. A. May, H. Leng, J. Wang, J. A. Kropp, T. Gougousi, M. Pelton, and M. B. Raschke, Science AdvancesÌýeaav5921 (2019).Ìý
  • Radiative control of dark excitons at room temperature by nano-optical antenna-tip Purcell effect,ÌýK.-D. Park, T. Jiang, G. Clark, X. Xu, and M. B. Raschke,ÌýNature Nanotechnol.,Ìý13, 59 (2018)

Dmitry Reznik Group:Ìý

  • Electron-momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling underlies dramatic phonon renormalization in YNi2B2C,ÌýPh. Kurzhals, G. Kremer2, Th. Jaouen, C. W. Nicholson, R. Heid, P. Nagel, J.-P. Castellan, A. Ivanov, M. Muntwiler, M. Rumo, B. Salzmann, V. N. Strocov, D. Reznik, C. Monney,Ìýand F. Weber,ÌýNature Communications,Ìý13,Ìý228 (2022).
  • Relaxation timescales and electron-phonon coupling in optically-pumped YBa2Cu3O6.9Ìýrevealed by time-resolved Raman scattering, N. Pellatz, S. Roy, J.W. Lee, J.L. Schad, H. Kandel, N. Arndt, C.-B. Eom, and D. Reznik,ÌýPhys. Rev. B LettersÌý104, L180505 (2021).
  • EffectÌýof the electronic charge gap on LO bond-stretching phonons in undoped La2CuO4Ìýcalculated using LDA+U, T. C. Sterling and D. Reznik, Phys. Rev. BÌý104, 134311 (2021).
  • Reinvestigation of crystal symmetry and fluctuations in La2CuO4,ÌýA. Sapkota, T. C. Sterling, P. M. Lozano, Yangmu Li, Huibo Cao, V. O. Garlea, D. Reznik, Qiang Li, I. A. Zaliznyak, G. D. Gu, and J. M. Tranquada,ÌýPhys. Rev. BÌý104, 014304 (2021).
  • Lattice dynamics in the double-helix antiferromagnet FeP, A.S. Sukhanov, S.E. Nikitin, M.S. Pavlovskii, T.C. Sterling, N.D. Andryushin, A.S. Cameron, Y.V. Tymoshenko, H.C. Walker, I.V. Morozov, I.O. Chernyavskii, S. Aswartham, D. Reznik, D.S. Inosov,ÌýPhysical Review ResearchÌý2, 043405 (2020).
  • Quest for quantum states via field-altering technology, G. Cao, H. Zhao, B. Hu, N. Pellatz, D. Reznik, P. Schlottmann, I. Kimchi,Ìýnpj Quantum MaterialsÌý5, 1 (2020).
  • Phonon spectrum of underdopedÌýHgBa2CuO4+δÌýÌýinvestigated by neutron scattering, I. Ahmadova, T.C. Sterling, A.C. Sokolik, D.L. Abernathy, M. Greven, D. Reznik,ÌýPhys. Rev. BÌý101, 184508 (2020).
  • Ultrafast magnetic dynamics in insulating YBa2Cu3O6+xÌýrevealed by time resolved two-magnon Raman Scattering, J.A. Yang, N. Pellatz, T. Wolf, D. Reznik,ÌýNature CommunicationsÌý11, 2548 (2020).
  • Nematic correlation length in iron-based superconductors probed by inelastic x-ray scattering, A. M. Merritt, F. Weber, J.-P. Castellan, Th. Wolf, D. Ishikawa, A. H. Said, A. Alatas, R. M. Fernandes, A. Q. R. Baron, and D. Reznik, Phys. Rev. Lett.Ìý124, 157001 (2020).
  • Low-energy phonons inÌýBi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δÌýand their possible interaction with electrons measured by inelastic neutron scattering, A. M. Merritt, J.-P. Castellan, T. Keller, S. R. Park, J. A. Fernandez-Baca, G. D. Gu, D. Reznik,ÌýPhys. Rev. BÌý100, 144502 (2019).
  • Unconventional Hund Metal in MnSi, X. Chen, I. Krivenko, M.B. Stone, A.I. Kolesnikov, T. Wolf, D. Reznik, K.S. Bedell,ÌýNature communicationsÌý11, 83 (2019).
  • Nature and impact of stripe freezing inÌýLa1.67Sr0.33NiO4, A.M. Merritt, D. Reznik, V.O. Garlea, G.D. Gu, and J.M. Tranquada,ÌýPhys. Rev. BÌý100, 195122 (2019).

Sean Shaheen Group:

  • Photonics for Energy in the Age of AI, S. Shaheen, Journal of Photonics for EnergyÌý14Ìý(1), 010101 (2024).ÌýÌý
  • Tuning the activation function to optimize the forecast horizon of a reservoir computer, L. A. Hurley, J. G. Restrepo, and S. E. Shaheen, arXiv:2312.13151 [cs.NE]. Ìý
  • The Continuing Emergence of Photovoltaics, S. Shaheen, Journal of Photonics for EnergyÌý13Ìý(4), 040101 (2023).Ìý
  • Status Report on Emerging Photovoltaics, A. Anctil, et al., Journal of Photonics for EnergyÌý13Ìý(4), 042301 (2023).Ìý
  • Nanoscale heterogeneity of ultrafast many-body carrier dynamics in triple cation perovskites, J. Nishida, P. T. S. Chang, J. Ye, P. Sharma, D. M. Wharton, S. C. Johnson, S. E. Shaheen, and M. B. Raschke, Nature CommunicationsÌý13, 6582 (2022).Ìý
  • Solar cells combining hot carriers and multijunctions: synergies and insights from Maxime Giteau, Samy Almosni, and Daniel Suchet, S. Shaheen, Journal of Photonics for EnergyÌý12Ìý(3) 032202 (2022).Ìý
  • Lateral Spectrum Splitting System with Perovskite Photovoltaic Cells, B. D. Chrysler, S. E. Shaheen, R. K. Kostuk, Journal of Photonics for EnergyÌý12Ìý(2), 022206 (2022). Ìý
  • Increased Crystallite Size in Thin Films of C60 and p-Terphenyls via PDMS-Assisted Crystallization, V. V. Zhelyaskova, P. Sharma, P. I. Dron, V. Martinez, J. Michl, M. F. Toney, D. S. Dessau, S. E. Shaheen, Journal of Materials Chemistry CÌý10, 5657 (2022). Ìý
