Carol Cleland

Carol Cleland

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ - Boulder • Philosophy
Brian Hynek

Brian Hynek

Associate Professor and Director of the CU Center for Astrobiology
ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ - Boulder • Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics • Department of Geological Sciences
Brian’s main research interests are the geologic, hydrologic, and climatic histories of the planet Mars and all things related. In particular, he works on problems dealing with past fluvial erosion on Mars, Martian volcanoes, geologic mapping, habitable environments, aqueous geochemical modeling, and terrestrial analog work.
Peter Kelemen

Peter Kelemen

Arthur D. Storke Memorial Professor and Chair
Columbia University • Earth and Environmental Sciences
Sebastian Kopf

Sebastian Kopf

Assistant Professor
ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ - Boulder • Department of Geological Sciences
Sebastian is a geomicrobiologist and isotope geochemist who studies microbial physiology and metabolism with a focus on figuring out what controls the microbial production of geochemical signatures (isotope effects, lipid biomarker production, biomineralization). He and his group will focus on disentangling the processes, organisms and isotopic effects involved in nitrogen cycling, and help study the enrichment cultures and isolates recovered by the RPL NAI.
Mike Kubo

Mike Kubo

NASA Ames Research Center • Space Sciences Division
Juerg Matter

Juerg Matter

Associate Professor
University of Southampton • Ocean and Earth Science • National Oceanography Centre
Michelle Scherer

Michelle Scherer

University of Iowa • Civil and Environmental Engineering
Julio Sepulveda

Julio Sepúlveda

Assistant Professor of Organic Geochemistry
ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ - Boulder • Department of Geological Sciences • Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
Julio’s research group studies the interplay between microorganisms, biogeochemical processes, and climate in contemporary settings such as extreme environments, and paleo-ecosystems across major climatic/biotic transitions in Earth history. He approaches these systems with a focus on the structures, distributions, and stable isotope composition of cell membrane lipids (biomarkers) that can be identified in water bodies, sediments, soils, and their fossilized remains preserved in the rock record. As part of the...
Sanjoy Som

Sanjoy Som

Research Scientist
Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and NASA Ames Research Center
Dr. Som investigates the connection between geology, geochemistry, and microbiology in serpentinizing systems, through a combination of field, laboratory, and theoretical studies. He leads the RPL modeling studies subgroup. He has done RPL related field work in Yellowstone National Park, McLaughlin Reserve, Iceland, and New Zealand.