Installing Legacy FileMaker eRA – Windows

The instructions below assist you in installing a run-time version of the FileMaker eRA databases that the Office of Contracts and Grants used to track Proposals, Awards, Subcontracts, etc. prior to conversion to infoEDÌý(6/29/2015).Ìý These instructions have been tested on a Windows 10 PC.

1. Ensure that your computer has Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable installed.

a. This can be checked by going to Control Panel > Programs and Features.Ìý Look in the list of installed apps on your computer.

b. If you do not have it installed it can be obtained here free of charge:Ìý

Image of Control Panel

2. Obtain the Legacy FileMaker eRA.zipÌýfile by sending an email to

a. When you get the reply email, download the file to your computer.

b. Unzip the file to a folder of your choosing.ÌýÌý

i. Right click on the zip file and choose Extract All…

ii. For example, extract the file to C:\Ìý (this will make a new Legacy FileMaker eRA folder)

3. Run the Legacy FileMaker eRA file.

a. Find the folder you created in step 2b above.Ìý Using the example above go to C:\Legacy FileMaker eRA.

b. Double click on the Legacy FileMaker eRA.exe file.

c. Use the Sign in as Guest button to access the various databases.


Notes:Ìý All the usual FileMaker functions are active.Ìý For example, you can search (Ctrl + F) on any field and export the data to an Excel file.Ìý FileMaker help can be found at: