cute chickadee

Write-up about our NSF-supported project

March 26, 2020

One of our recently funded NSF grants was just featured in Colorado Arts and Sciences magazine . This project will explore the evolution of post-zygotic reproductive isolation using hybridizing Black-Capped and Carolina chickadees as a model system. Previous studies revealed that hybrids between the two taxa suffer from physiological disfunctions...


Collaboration between Cal-Wood Education Center and Boulder Chickadee Study

March 26, 2020

Two weeks ago, Scott, Kathryn and Angela went to Cal-Wood Education Center to build 53 nest boxes with 4th grade students from Ryan Elementary school. This event took almost the entire day and gave students an opportunity to learn about ornithological research in general, as well as what is happening...

Grumpy nestling

Kathryn begins Chickadee Song Dialect Project

March 19, 2020

While most people have put their lives on hold to practice social distancing, Spring isn't slowing down--Daffodils continue stubbornly pushing to the sky & chickadees keep singing their hearts out. Maybe it's reassuring that in the midst of all this social & scientific disruption, nature is continuing forward with no...


Kathryn wins Graduate School Figueroa Family Fellowship

Feb. 26, 2020

Kathryn was recently awarded the Figueroa Family Fellowship from the Graduate School for her commitment to the achievement of a diverse student body and her work in improving the state of our world and its people. Congratulations to Kathryn for her work on making EBIO, and the sciences in general,...

Scott gives a talk at CSU

Feb. 13, 2020

Scott recently had the pleasure of visiting our neighbors to the north to give a departmental seminar in the Department of Biology at Colorado State University. Thanks to Dr. Kristen Ruegg for the invite! Scott had a great time meeting with the ecology and evolution focussed members of the department,...


Taylor lab hosts Dr. Sarah Knutie for an EBIO departmental seminar

Jan. 29, 2020

Dr. Sarah Knutie's research covers a broad range of areas of study including disease biology, host-microbe interactions, animal behavior and environmental change. Sarah gave a fascinating talk on her work in the Galápagos Islands, where she uses experimental field studies to determine the effect of an introduced parasitic fly Philornis...


Success and catching up at Asilomar: #AmNat2020

Jan. 7, 2020

Scott, Kathryn, Angela, and Sheela recently attended the 2020 meeting of the American Society of Naturalists at Asilomar State Park near Monterey California. Always an excellent meeting, the lab enjoyed hearing about awesome research and catching up with colleagues, all while spotting sea otters, pelicans, and seals from the shoreline...

Bakeoff thumbnail

This semester’s challenge was… Cookies!

Dec. 13, 2019

A very festive event, the Fall 2019 Taylor Lab Bake-off set celebrity guest judge Dr. Erica Larson to task once again with carefully evaluating the crumb, the flavor, the creativity, and of course the bake of a very crowded table of treats. Interestingly, Judge's Choice didn't receive any People's Choice...

Ethan Linck tutorial

Ethan Linck taught a tutorial on analyzing genomic data in Python and R

Dec. 9, 2019

On December 2nd, Taylor Lab Research Affiliate Ethan Linck taught a tutorial on analyzing population genomic sequence data in Python and R for a CU Boulder BioFrontiers Institute's Quantitative Exploration and Discussion (QED) Supergroup meeting. The QED Supergroup series, which was organized around a theme of genomics and bioinformatics for...


A field update from Sheela

Dec. 5, 2019

Sheela is finishing up a behavioral experiment in the Iberá wetlands of Argentina to examine the traits used in species recognition by two species of capuchino seedeaters. Southern capuchino seedeaters are characterized by striking differences in male plumage coloration and song despite remarkably little ecological or genetic divergence. By presenting...
