Erik presenting at the 2019 Evolution conference

Summer conference talks!

July 11, 2019

Some members of the Taylor Lab recently gave talks at summer conferences. Erik shared his newest results on rosy finches with attendees at the Evolution meeting in Rhode Island, while Georgy shared his most recent wagtail results with attendees of the American Ornithological Society meeting in Anchorage, Alaska. Dom also...

Scott at TEDx

Scott gave a talk at TEDxBoulder!

June 19, 2019

Scott recently had the exciting opportunity to share the Lab's passion for studying hybridization with members of the Boulder community at TEDxBoulder: Within and Without. He even managed to sneak in a pegacorn, which is always magical. Scott's talk will be online in the coming weeks and we'll be sure...

Chickadee with grub

Campus birds fledge!

June 12, 2019

The nestlings on campus are fledging! This means that they have grown their flight feathers and the muscles needed to sustain flight, and either have just left their nest or will soon. Parent chickadees will continue to care for their offspring by bringing them food, or by leading them to...

Group photo

Spring 2019 Taylor Lab Bake-off

May 29, 2019

This semester’s challenge was… Biscuits & Scones! With more submissions than ever, the Spring 2019 Taylor Lab Bake-off set celebrity guest judge Dr. Erica Larson to task with carefully evaluating the crumb, the flavor, the creativity, and of course the bake of a very crowded table of treats. Judge’s Choice...

Eggs in a nest box

Chickadee Study Field Season

May 29, 2019

The 2019 field season is up and running for the Boulder Chickadee Study! Our high elevation sites are still pretty snowy, but the birds in Boulder are keeping our team of undergraduate and Ph.D. students busy as they hustle to check nests, band birds, and collect data. Keep it up!


Congratulations Erik, recipient of the Donald L. Bleitz Award!

May 29, 2019

Erik was recently awarded the Donald L. Bleitz Award, a small research grant from the American Ornithological Society. The proposal he submitted to them was titled "Evolutionary impacts of historical and contemporary changes in habitat on alpine specialists". He will use this funding to conduct some whole genome sequencing of...

angela chickadees

Field Ornithology this summer!

Dec. 7, 2018

Scott will be teaching Field Ornithology at the Mountain Research Station this summer, July 1st through the 18th! ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ will study alpine and subalpine birds and will learn to implement various field techniques. More information, including links for course registration, can be found here .


(Grant) Society of Systematic Biologists

Nov. 18, 2018

Angela and Erik were both awarded a Graduate Student Research Award from the Society of Systematic Biologists!! This will help fund Erik’s investigation of the Gray-crowned / Black Rosy-Finch hybrid zone in Montana and Idaho. The money will be used to sequence individuals to evaluate introgression and to better understand...

Black capped

(Grant) NSF: Cognitive deficiency as a source of reproductive isolation between hybridizing species

Nov. 18, 2018

Along with collaborators Amber Rice from Lehigh University and Tim Roth from Franklin and Marshall College, the Taylor Lab has received NSF funding to explore the role that cognitive breakdown in hybrid chickadees may play in maintaining species barriers between hybridizing black-capped and Carolina chickadees. Our role will focus on...


Katherine takes on a Master of Arts!

Nov. 18, 2018

One of our undergraduate students, Katherine Feldmann, has decided to complete a Master of Arts in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in addition to her bachelor's degree. The concurrent program enables students to complete both degrees in five years. This additional time in our lab will enable Katherine to take on...
