LSU Museum Seminar Series

Scott gives talk on avian hybrid zones

April 3, 2018

Scott was recently selected by the graduate students of the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science to give a talk in the Museum Seminar Series. His March 16 th talk was titled “Insights from avian hybrid zones into the origin and maintenance of biodiversity.”

Naturalist Nights at the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies

Scott gives talks about the Peruvian guano islands

April 3, 2018

At the beginning of March, Scott gave two informal talks on the ecology and history of the Peruvian guano islands as part of the Naturalist Nights series at the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies and in Carbondale for Roaring Fork Audubon. He revisited stories of field work from his PhD...

Nerd Nite logo

Kathryn gives keynote talk at inaugural Boulder Nerd Nite

Jan. 22, 2018

Kathryn recently gave the keynote talk at Boulder’s inaugural Nerd Nite to a packed house of ~100 people. Her informal talk focused on the main topic of her dissertation, hybridization in human-altered habitats, and introduced the audience to some of the labs favorite things including 1) hybridization, 2) birds (specifically...


Kathryn publishes her first dissertation paper in TREE

Jan. 15, 2018

Congratulations to Kathryn, who recently published her first dissertation chapter in Trends in Ecology and Evolution! Her paper explores the causes, consequences, and experimental utility of human-mediated hybridization across a diversity of taxa and is an excellent synthesis of our current understanding of the topic. The review relates to Kathryn's...

Galapagos Tortoise

Galapagos bound

Dec. 29, 2017

Scott will be heading to the Galápagos Islands from Jan 3 - 14, 2018 with 10 CU Boulder undergraduates as part of the CU boulder Global Seminars program. They'll visit could forests outside of Quito, Ecuador, followed by three islands in the Galápagos archipelago during their 12 day trip. Stay...

JSMF logo

Congratulations Amanda!

Nov. 11, 2017

Amanda was recently awarded the James S McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral fellowship for understanding dynamic and multi-scale systems . She can take this fellowship anywhere in the world and it provides support and research funding for 2-3 years. The focus of the JMSF is to develop and apply theory and tools...


An excellent lab retreat with our Wyoming colleagues!

Nov. 9, 2017

The Wagner , Carling , and Taylor Labs recently spent a few days together in Estes Park to share current research and engage in professional development activities. On top of that, each lab produced delicious shared meals! It was a great way to connect and catch-up with colleagues, get constructive...


An excellent time in the mountains!

Sept. 27, 2017

The Taylor Lab recently attend the annual Guild of Rocky Mountain Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists (GREEBs) meeting at the CU Boulder Mountain Research Station. All of the graudate students in the lab gave stellar talks on their past or present research to an engaged crowd of their colleagues. It's hard...

Amanda Hund

Welcome Amanda!

Sept. 27, 2017

We're happy to welcome Dr. Amanda Hund, a postdoctoral research associate, to the Taylor Lab! Having recently finished her PhD with Dr. Rebecca Safran, Amanda has joined our lab to carry out some exciting work investigating condition-dependence of melanin sexual signals during early development in barn swallows by looking at...

Erik in the mountains

Welcome Erik!

June 5, 2017

Erik Funk is one of two new graduate students joining the Taylor Lab this fall! Erik Funk graduated from San Diego State University with a B.S. in Environmental Science. Erik's senior project used camera traps to study edge effects, connectivity, and the impact of urbanization on mammal populations. Erik then...
