
2019 Wagner/Larson/Carling/Taylor Lab Retreat at the Mountain Research Station

Nov. 18, 2019

The Taylor Lab had a great time this past weekend meeting up with students and postdocs in the Wagner , Larson , and Carling labs. Lightening talks combined with professional development activities and a final evening of trivia made for an excellent joint lab retreat. It's always fun to hear...

galapagos brown pelican

Scott and Danny gave talks at the Waterbird Society meeting

Nov. 13, 2019

Scott and Danny recent traveled to Salisbury Maryland to take part in the annual Waterbird Society meeting. Danny presented results from his whole genome investigation of phylogeny and introgression in boobies. Scott gave a talk about pelican phylogeny and conservation genetics of the Galapagos brown pelican as part of a...


Editor's Choice: Perspective article on genetic associations with plumage color published in the Auk: Ornithological Advances

Oct. 28, 2019

A perspective article from Erik and Scott was recently published in The Auk: Ornithological Advances and highlighted as the Editor's Choice from the issue. The paper reviews some recent studies that reveal genetic associations with avian plumage color. This work highlights the role of gene regulation over gene product in...


1st Annual Boulder Chickadee Study Participant Symposium

Oct. 23, 2019

The lab had a great time hosting the 1st Annual Boulder Chickadee Study Participant Symposium on Oct 19, 2019. The event featured an hour of interactive discussion with our amazing undergraduate researchers, talks from Scott, Kathryn, and Angela on the motivation for the study and results for our first year...


Review on Insect hybridization and climate change published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Oct. 21, 2019

Scott, along with Dr. Erica Larson and Dr. Robin Tinghitella from the University of Denver recently published a review in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution exploring the potential impacts that climate change may have on insect hybridization. As ectotherms, insect ecology and evolution may be particularly impacted by climate change...


Congratulations Shay!

Oct. 8, 2019

Congratulations to Shay, who was recently awarded a BSI Scholar Award! With this award, Shay will be examining thermoregulatory differences between clack-capped and mountain chickadee nests collected across a 6000 foot elevation gradient as part of her work with the Boulder Chickadee Study during the 2019 breeding season. The current...


New paper on warbler migration genomics in PNAS

Sept. 27, 2019

In collaboration with Dr. David Toews, Dr. Irby Lovette, Dr. Henry Streby, and Gunnar Kramer, Scott recently published a paper in PNAS exploring the genetic basis for migration differences in the Vermivora warblers. For more information on findings from the study check out these stories in CU Boulder Today and...

chickadee lab work

430 chickadees ready for sequencing!

Sept. 27, 2019

Kathryn wrapped up a multi-week stint at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology preparing 430 chickadee DNA samples for sequencing. Cramming 430 samples into one tube was no small task! This project is part of a collaboration between Kathryn and Scott, along with Ken Otter and Theresa Burg, exploring the link...

Photo of evolutionary genetics textbook

New book review!

Sept. 27, 2019

Sheela, Georgy, and Scott recently published a book review of Evolutionary Genetics: Concepts, Analysis, and Practice by Glenn-Peter Sætre and Mark Ravinet in Molecular Ecology. Evolutionary Genetics is a contemporary and enjoyable introductory textbook that reviews fundamental evolutionary concepts, illustrates recent exciting findings, and offers hands-on experience in analyzing and...

Chickadee nestling

Summer field season wrapping up!

July 11, 2019

We've had a busy summer. There have been plenty of chickadee families in Boulder county, in addition to some unexpected tenants including red-breasted, white-breasted, and pygmy nuthatches! The field season is finally winding down with our highest elevation nest peaking at a stunning 10,600 feet! In addition to chickadees, we've...
