Alex Zunger

High Impact Journal publications (PRL, PRB Rapid Communications and others with IF ~> 10) in reversed chronological order from 2000

137. Xiuwen Zhang, Jia-Xin Xiong, and Alex Zunger, "",npj Computational Materials 10, 217(2024) (PDF)

136.Fernando P. Sabino, Gustavo M. Dalpian, and Alex Zunger, "" Adv. Energy Mater. 2023, 2301539 (2023)(PDF)

135.Lin-Ding Yuan, Xiuwen Zhang, Carlos Mera, and Alex Zunger, ""Nat. Commun., 14, 5301 (2023) (PDF) (Supplemental Material)

134.Lin-Ding Yuan and Alex Zunger, ""Adv. Mater. 2023, 2211966 (2023) (PDF)

133.Jinglian Du, Oleksandr Malyi, Shun-Li Shang,Yi Wang, Xin-Gang Zhao, Feng Liu, Alex Zunger, and Zi-Kui Liu, "" Materials Today Physics 27, 100805 (2022) (PDF)

132.Fernando P. Sabino, Alex Zunger, and Gustavo M. Dalpian, ""Materials Horizons 10.1039(2022) (PDF)

131.XingangZhao, Zhi Wang, Oleksandr I. Malyi, Alex Zunger, "" Materials Today 49, 107-122 (2021) (PDF) ()

130.Alex Zunger and Oleksandr I. Malyi, "" Chem. Rev.2021, 121, 5, 3031-3060(2021) (PDF)

129.Oleksandr I. Malyi and Alex Zunger, "" Applied Physics Reviews, 7, 041310(2020)(PDF)

128.Carlos Mera Acosta, Elton Ogoshi, Adalberto Fazzio, Gustavo Dalpian, and Alex Zunger, "" Matter 3, 1-21 (2020) (PDF) (Supplemental Material) (Supporting Data)

127. Oleksandr I. Malyi, Gustavo M. Dalpian, Xingang Zhao, Zhi Wang, and Alex Zunger ""Materials Today 32, 35-45 (2020) (accepted online in 2019) (PDF)

126. Zhi Wang, Qihang Liu, Jun-Wei Luo and Alex Zunger, "" Materials Horizons, 2019, 6, 2124 - 2134 (PDF)

125. Julien Varignon, Manuel Bibes and Alex Zunger, ""Nat.Commun., 10, 1658 (2019). (PDF)

124. G. Dalpian, X.Zhao,Lawrence Kazmerski,Alex Zunger, ""Chem. Mater., 31 (7), 2497 (2019). (PDF)

123. Alex Zunger, "" Nature 566, 447-449 (2019). (PDF)

122. Linding Yuan, Qihang Liu, Xiuwen Zhang, Jun-Wei Luo, Shu-Shen Li, and Alex Zunger, "” Nat.Commun. 10, 906 (2019). (PDF)

121. Qihang Liu, Gustavo M. Dalpian and Alex Zunger, ""Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 106403 (2019). (PDF)

120. Qihang Liu, Qiushi Yao, Z. A. Kelly, C. M. Pasco, T. M. McQueen, S. Lany, Alex Zunger ""Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 186402 (2018). (PDF)

119. Xiuwen Zhang, Qihang Liu, Qiunan Xu, Xi Dai, Alex Zunger, ""J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 13687–13694 (2018). (PDF)

118. Alex Zunger,""Nature Reviews Chemistry, 2,0121 (2018)​.(PDF)

117. Aron Walsh andAlex Zunger,"" Nat. Mater. 16, 964 (2017).(PDF)

116. Jun-Wei Luo, Shu-Shen Li, Ilya Sychugov, Federico Pevere, Jan Linnros, andAlex Zunger,"" Nat. Nanotechnol. 12, 930 (2017).(PDF)

115. Jun-Wei Luo,Shu-Shen Li,and Alex Zunger, ""Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 126401​ (2017).(PDF)

114. X. Zhang,L. B. Abdalla,Q. Liuand Alex Zunger,"" Adv. Func. Mater. 27, 1701266 (2017).(PDF)

113. Xin-Gang Zhao, Dongwen Yang, Yuanhui Sun, Tianshu Li, Lijun Zhang, Liping Yu, and Alex Zunger,"" J. Am. Chem. Soc.137, 6718 (2017). (PDF)

112. Jaeseok Heo,Liping Yu,Emmeline Altschul,Benjamin E. Waters,John F. Wager,Alex Zunger,and Douglas A. Keszler,"" Chemistry of Materials 29, 2594(2017).(PDF)

111. Dongwen Yang, Jian Lv, Xingang Zhao, Qiaoling Xu, Yuhao Fu, Yiqiang Zhan, Alex Zunger,and Lijun Zhang,"" Chemistry of Materials 29, 524 (2017). (PDF)

110. QihangLiuand Alex Zunger,"" Phy. Rev. X7, 021019(2017).(PDF)

109. Ilya Sychugov,Fatemeh Sangghaleh,Benjamin Bruhn,Federico Pevere,Jun-Wei Luo,Alex Zunger, andJan Linnros, "" Nano Letters 16, 7937 (2016). (PDF)

108. Ilya Sychugov, Federico Pevere, Jun-Wei Luo, Alex Zunger, and Jan Linnros, "" Phy. Rev. B. Rapid Communication 93, 161413 (2016). (PDF)

107. Q. Liu, X. Zhang, L. B. Abdalla andA. Zunger, "" Adv. Func. Mater. DOI:10.1002/adfm.201505357(2016).(PDF)

106. Benjamin G. Lee, Jun Wei Luo, Nathan R. Neale, Matthew C. Beard, Daniel Hiller, Margit Zacharias, Alex Zunger, Pauls Stradins "" Nano Letters 16, 1583-1589(2016).(PDF)

105. Xiuwen Zhang, Lijun Zhang, John D. Perkins, and Alex Zunger "" Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 176602 (2015). (PDF)

104. J. Wang, J.W. Luo, L. Zhang, A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 15, 88-95 (2015).(PDF)

103. L. Zhang, A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 15, 949-957(2015).(PDF)

102. Q. Liu, X. Zhang, L. B. Abdalla, A. Fazzio, A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 15, 1222-1228 (2015).(PDF)

101. J. Deng, A. Zunger, J. Z. Liu,"" Phy. Rev. B. Rapid Communication 91, 081302 (2015).(PDF)

100. S. A. Tarasenko, M. V. Durnev, M. O. Nestoklon, E. L. Ivchenko, J.W. Luo, A. Zunger,"" Phy. Rev. B. Rapid Communication 91, 081302 (2015).(PDF)

99 . Q. Liu, X. Zhang, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 114, 087402 (2015).(PDF)

98 . R. Gautier, X. Zhang, L. Hu, L. Yu, Y. Lin, T. O. L. Sunde, D. Chon, K. R. Poeppelmeier, A. Zunger,"", Nature Chemistry 7, 308-316 (2015).(PDF)

97 . F. Yan, X. Zhang, Yonggang Yu, L.Yu, A. Nagaraja, T.O. Mason, and Alex Zunger"" Nature Communication 6, 7308 (2015). (PDF)

96 . L. Yu, A. Zunger,"" Nature Communications 5, 5118 (2014).(PDF)

95 . X. Zhang, Q. Liu, J.W. Luo, A. J. Freeman, A. Zunger,"" Nature Physics 10, 387-393 (2014).(PDF)

94 . G. Trimarchi, X. Zhang, A. J. Freeman, A. Zunger,"" Phy. Rev. B. 90, 161111 (2014).(PDF)

93 . L. Zhang, J.W. Luo, A. Saraiva, B. Koiller, A. Zunger,"" Nature Communications 4, 2396 (2013).(PDF)

92 . A. Zakutayev, X. Zhang, A. Nagaraja, L. Yu, S. Lany, T. O. Mason, D. S. Ginley, A. Zunger,"" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 10048-10054 (2013).(PDF)

91 . M. Heiss, Y. Fontan, A. Gustafsson, G. Wüst, C. Magen, D. D. O’Regan, J.W. Luo,B. Ketterer, S. Conesa-Boj, A. V. Kuhlmann, J. Houel E. Russo-Averchi, J. R. Morante,M. Cantoni, N. Marzari, J. Arbiol, A. Zunger, R. J.Warburton and A. Fontcuberta Morral"" Nature Materials 12, 439 (2013) .(PDF)

90 . Yue Cao, J. A.Waugh, X-W. Zhang, J-W. Luo, Q.Wang, T. J. Reber, S. K. Mo, Z. Xu,A. Yang, J. Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, M. Brahlek, N. Bansal, S. Oh, A. Zunger and D. S. Dessau"" Nature Physics 9 , 499 (2013)(PDF)

89 . S. Lany, A. Zakutayev, T. O. Mason, J. F. Wager, K. R. Poeppelemeier, J.D. Perkins, J. J. Berry, D. S. Ginley, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 108, 016802 (2012).(PDF)

88 . M. d’Avezac, J.W. Luo, T. Chanier, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 108, 027401 (2012).(PDF)

87 . L. Zhang, M. d’Avezac, J.W. Luo, A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 12, 984-991 (2012).(PDF)

86 . L. Yu, A. Zunger,"", Physical Review Letters 108, 068701 (2012).(PDF)

85 . K. P. McKenna, M. J. Wolf, A. L. Shluger, S. Lany, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 108, 116403 (2012).(PDF)

84 . S. Lany and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 106, 069601 (2011).(PDF)

83 . J.W. Luo and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 106, 069902 (2011).(PDF)

82 . V. Stevanovic, M. d’Avezac, A. Zunger,"" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 11649-11654 (2011).(PDF)

81 . X. Zhang, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 104, 245501 (2010).(PDF)

80 . V. Popescu, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 104, 236403 (2010).(PDF)

79 . J.W. Luo and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 105, 176805 (2010).(PDF)

78 . L. Zhang, J.W. Luo, A. Zunger, N. Akopian, V. Zwiller, and J.C. Harmand,"" Nanoletters 10, 4055-4060 (2010).(PDF)

77 . J.W. Luo, A. N. Chantis, M. van Schilfgaarde, G. Bester, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 104, 066405 (2010).(PDF)

76 . V. Stevanovic, M. d’Avezac, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 105, 075501 (2010).(PDF)

75 . J.W. Luo, G. Bester, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 102, 056405 (2009).(PDF)

74 . A. Franceschetti, J.W. Luo, J.M. An, and A. Zunger."" Phys. Rev. B and Rapid Communications 79, 241,311 (2009).(PDF)

73 . V. Mlinar, A. Franceschetti, A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 79, 121307 (2009).(PDF)

72 . V. Mlinar, A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B 79, 115416 (2009).(PDF)

71 . V. Mlinar, A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B 80, 035328 (2009).(PDF)

70 . V. Mlinar, A Zunger,""Internal electronic structure and fine structure of multiexcitons in semiconductor quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 80, 205311(2009).(PDF)

69 . J.-W. Luo, A. Franceschetti, A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 79, 201301 (2009).(PDF)

68 . J.A. Chan, S. Lany, A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 103, 016404 (2009).(PDF)

67 . J-.W. Luo, A. Franceschetti, A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 9, 2648-2653 (2009).(PDF)

66 . S. Lany, A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 80, 085202 (2009).(PDF)

65 . S. L. Sewall, A. Franceschetti, R.R. Cooney, and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 80, 081310 (2009).(PDF)

64 . X. Zhang, G. Trimarchi, M. D’Avezac, and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 80, 241202 (R) (2009).(PDF)

63 . J.W. Luo, A.N. Chantis, M. van Schilfgaarde, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 066405 (2009).(PDF)

62 . S. Lany and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 016401 (2008)(PDF)

61 . J. Osorio-Guillen, S. Lany, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 100, 036601 (2008).(PDF)

60 . P. Piquini, P. A. Graf, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 100, 186403 (2008).(PDF)

59 . P. Piquini and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication 78, 161302, (2008).(PDF)

58 . H. Raebiger, S. Lany, and A. Zunger,"" Nature 453, 763-766 (2008).(PDF)

57 . H. Raebiger, S. Lany, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 101, 027203 (2008).(PDF)

56 . S. Lany, H. Raebiger, and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication 77, 241201 (2008).(PDF)

55 . L. He, M. Gong, C.-F. Li, G.-C. Guo, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 101, 157405 (2008).(PDF)

54 . J.-W. Luo, A. Franceschetti, and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 8, 3174-3181, (2008).(PDF)

53 . M. Ediger, G. Bester, B. D. Gerardot, A. Badolato, P. M. Petroff, K. Karrai, A. Zunger, and R. J. Warburton,"" Physical Review Letters 98, 036,808 (2007).(PDF)

52 . M. Ediger, G. Bester, A. Badolato, P. M. Petroff, K. Karrai, A. Zunger, and R. J. Warburton,"" Nature Physics 3, 774-779 (2007).(PDF)

51 . G. Bester, D. Reuter, L. He, A. Zunger, P. Kailuweit, A. D. Wieck, U. Zeitler, J. C. Maan, O. Wibbelhoff, and A. Lorke,"" Phys. Rev. B 76, 075,338 (2007).(PDF)

50 . J. M. An, A. Franceschetti, and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication 76, 161310 (2007).(PDF)

49 . J. M. An, A. Franceschetti, and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 7, 2129-2135 (2007).(PDF)

48 . J. Z. Liu, G. Trimarchi, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 99, 145,501 (2007).(PDF)

47 . S. Lany, J. Osorio-Guillen, and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication 75, 241,203 (2007).(PDF)

46 . S. Lany and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 98, 045,501 (2007).(PDF)

45 . H. Raebiger, S. Lany, and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 99, 167203 (2007).(PDF)

44 . S.V. Dudiy and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 97, 046401 (2006).(PDF)

43 . A. Franceschetti, S.V. Barabash, J. Osorio, A. Zunger and M. Van Schilfgaarde,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communication 74, 241,303 (2006).(PDF)

42 . A. Franceschetti, L.W. Wang, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 6, 1069 (2006).(PDF)

41 . J. M. Osorio, S. Barabash, S. Lany and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 96, 107203 (2006).(PDF)

40 . J. An, A. Franceschetti, S. Dudiy and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 6, 2728 (2006).(PDF)

39 . A. Franceschetti, S. Dudiy, S. Barabash, A. Zunger and M. vanSchiffgaarde,"" Physical Review Letters 97, 047202 (2006).(PDF)

38 . A. Franceschetti, J. An and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 6, 2191 (2006).(PDF)

37 . G. Bester, A. Zunger, X. Wu and D. Vanderbilt,"" Physical Review Letters 96, 187602 (2006).(PDF)

36 . G. Bester, A. Zunger, X. Wu and D. Vanderbilt,"" Physical Review B Rapid Communication 74, 081305 (2006).(PDF)

35 . L. He, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 94, 016801-01 (2005).(PDF)

34 . L. He, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B, Rapid Communications 72, 081,311 (2005).(PDF)

33 . L. He, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 95, 246,804 (2005).(PDF)

32 . G.A. Narvaez, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 72, 041307 (2005).(PDF)

31 . V. Blum and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B Rapid Communications 72, 020104 (2005).(PDF)

30 . G. Hart, V. Blum, M. Walorski and A. Zunger,"" Nature Materials 4, 391 (2005).(PDF)

29 . M. Califano, A. Franceschetti and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 5, 2360 (2005).(PDF)

28 . G. Bester, J. Shumway and Alex Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 93, 047401 (2004).(PDF)

27 . V. Blum and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B, Rapid Communications 69, 020103 (2004).(PDF)

26 . P. Mahadevan and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 93, 177201 (2004).(PDF)

25 . M. Califano, A. Franceschetti and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 4, 525-531 (2004).(PDF)

24 . S.V. Dudiy, P. Kent and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B Rapid Communication 70, 161304 (2004).(PDF)

23 . S. Lany and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 93, 156404 (2004).(PDF)

22 . L.G. Wang and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 256401 (2003).(PDF)

21 . M. Sanati, L.G. Wang and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 045502 (2003).(PDF)

20 . G. Bester, S. Nair and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 67, 161306 (2003).(PDF)

19 . M. Califano, G. Bester and A. Zunger,"" Nanoletters 3, 1197-1202 (2003).(PDF)

18 . L.W. Wang, M. Califano, A. Zunger and A. Franceschetti,"" Physical Review Letters 91, 056404 (2003).(PDF)

17 . C. Person and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 91, 266401 (2003).(PDF)

16 . S. Dudiy and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B, Rapid Communications 68, 041302 (2003).(PDF)

15 . C. Kilic and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 88, Article No. 095501 ( 2002).(PDF)

14 . P. Mahadevan and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 047205 (28 Jan. 2002).(PDF)

13 . L.G. Wang and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 66, 161202 (R) (2002).(PDF)

12 . S. Muller and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 87, Article No. 165,502 (Oct. 2001).(PDF)

11 . K. Kim and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 86, 2609-2612 (2001).(PDF)

10 . P.R.C. Kent and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 86, 2613-2616 (2001).(PDF)

9 . R. Magri and Alex Zunger,"" Physical Review B 65, 165302 (2002).(PDF)

8 . G.L. Hart and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 275508 (2001)(PDF)

7 . J.E. Jaffe and A. Zunger,"" Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications 64, 241304 (2001).(PDF)

6 . S.B. Zhang, S.H. Wei and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 84, 1232-1235 (2000).(PDF)

5 . J.H. Cho, S.B. Zhang and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review Letters 84, 3654 (2000).(PDF)

4 . L.W. Wang, A.J. Williamson, A. Zunger, H. Jiang and J. Singh,"" App. Phys. Lett. 76, 339-341 (2000).(PDF)

3 . A. Franceschetti and A. Zunger,"" Europhysics Letters 50, 243 (2000).(PDF)

2 . A. Franceschetti and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B. Rapid Communications 62, R16287 (2000).(PDF)

1 . F.A. Reboredo and A. Zunger,"" Physical Review B. Rapid Communication 62, R2275 (2000).(PDF)